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Autumn Winter 2013 Puppies Sandy 2013 Puppies Autumn 2013 Puppies

Autumn Puppies 2012

Autumn was bred to Shea during the middle of January 2012 and delivered 8 puppies, 2 boys and 6 girls, via c-section on March 20, 2012. Their kennel names are Springbank, Glenlivet, Oban, Ardbeg, MacCallan, Talisker, Dalwhinee and Lagavulin. At birth they ranged in weight from 4.85 ounces by the smallest girl (Lagavulin) to 8.6 ounces for the largest girl (Oban).

An X-ray was done on Friday, March 16 and it shows 8, yes EIGHT puppies.

Springbank, MacCallan, Glenlivet, Oban, Ardbeg, Talisker, Dalwhinee and Lagavulin with Momma Autumn - Week 1.

Group shot at 2 weeks old.

Week 3 playtime with Talisker on the bottom left with Oban in the middle and Lagavulin on the right.

Ardbeg running aroundg during week 4.

Week 5 brings Lagavulin

Glenlivet looking very regal in week 6.

Click here for then and now pictures of this litter at 1 year old.