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Autumn Winter 2013 Puppies Sandy 2013 Puppies Autumn 2013 Puppies

Morgan Puppies 2008

Morgan was bred to Oh! Patrick Copper Cruiser at the end of August 2008. After a long, unrestful night, Morgan delivered via c-section (yes again!) 5 nicely sized puppies during the afternoon of Thursday, October 30, 2008. All of the kids came out hungry and vocal....both very good signs.

The little ones enjoying their first meal at home with Mommy Morgan looking very bright eyed and (yea you knew it was coming) bushy tailed.

Mommy Morgan checking things out and making sure everything is ok during week 1.

Week 2 sees the eyes are the most open on Sienna.

This muzzle looks good, let me get a taste of it.

Hey what is the big shiny thing that Mom keeps getting water out of?

Oh, like you think we are really going to lift our heads for you during week 5.

Crimson doing his week 6 prance around the kitchen.

Blaze doing a puppy bow at week 7.

The last picture taken of Morgan's 2008 litter when they are 8 weeks old.